NFW Wall Mounted - Nordis

NFW Wall Mounted

NØRDIS wall-mounted fan coil, featuring a stylish LED screen, guarantees not only convenient device control but also a seamless match with any interior. The unit’s built-in energy-saving DC fan motor ensures reliable and efficient operation with economical energy consumption. Moreover, it seamlessly integrates with other systems. The included remote control offers easy access to all functions, ensuring user-friendly operation.

  • The stylish front panel effortlessly complements any interior decor, making it perfect for installation in shops, restaurants, or offices lacking ceiling decoration or suspended ceilings.
  • Multi-directional pipe connections (left/right/back) cater to the diverse requirements of various rooms.
  • The Auto Swing Louver function guarantees that the airflow direction aligns with the selected mode.
  • The removable front panel will facilitate the maintenance of the device.

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